Paulina Yliniitty

My name is Pauliina Yliniitty. I live with my family in a small town called Oulainen in Finland. I have three children; two sons and a daughter.

Twelve years ago at a short course of the calligraphy I realized that I had found what I had been searching. The calligraphy as the form of art touched me deeply and the most of all forms. It is still touching me. I do enjoy everything in it. A single letter, a word, a written thought or a colour can be very fascinating.

Later I studied calligraphy at University of Applied Sciences of Satakunta for six years and graduated as a Bachelor of Culture and Arts in 2014. Since that I have given workshops in calligraphy and bookbinding in Finland. During studies I became a fellow of the Calligraphy society of Finland.

The inspiration comes from many sources like traditional poetry, sometimes only a single word, colors in nature, different kinds of materials or handwriting itself. There is always something to discover in calligraphy itself or around you. 

My calligraphic work have been shown in many exhibitions all around in Finland during years 2010-2018. In 2018 I was invited to send some pieces of my art work to Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy in Moscow. I also had an honor to take part in Maria Osipova’s project ”Masha Writes” with other calligraphers from many countries. This book was published at the end of 2018. The original work were shown in the exhibition at Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy in December 2018

I have attended many national Calligraphy Weekends in Finland and taken courses with well known calligraphers like Marina Soria, Massimo Polello, Ewan Clayton, Rainer Wiebe, Klaus-Peter Schäffel, Veiko Kespersaks among others.

2019-2021 I have served as the President of the Calligraphy Society of Finland.

Pauliina loves lines, letters, colours and drawings. The letters decorated with filigrees combine these all. There are no limits for the amount of filigrees. The more you draw filigrees, the more fascinating your letters will be. And you are able to do this with only 2-3 colours and simple tools: a brush and a pointed nib.During the workshop we will learn how to create this illuminated letter based on the designs from medieval manuscripts.There will be step by step instructions on how to draw and paint the design.
Calligrapher    Pauliina Yliniitty  will lead the  workshop „Filigree decorated letter-K for Klaipėda.“

Preparation of participants: beginners and/or advanced students will be able to do this workshop.
Number of participants: max 15 people.

Tools and materials will be provided by organizers.
We will communicate in English at this workshop. An interpreter will help communicate.

27th of September
5.00 – 6.00 pm Introductions and a short presentation of Filigrees. Discussion of the materials and what we are going to do during the workshop.
6.00 – 6.40 pm Break.
6.40 – 8.00 pm Painting exercises with gouache, drawing filigrees to get in touch with the feeling of drawing them.

28th of September
5.00 – 6.40 pm K-practise following the step by step instructions.
6.40 – 7.00 pm Break.
7.00 – 8.00 pm Choosing the K-shape you like and start drawing it on grid paper and start designing your own Filigree decorated K.

29th of September
5.00 – 6.40 pm Discussion of the sketches.
6.40 – 7.00 pm Break.
7.00 – 8.00 pm Transferring your design to good quality paper. The letter and all main decorations. Finishing your final piece.

30th of September
5.00 – 6.40 pm Finishing your final piece.
6.40 – 7.00 pm Break.
7.00 – 8.00 pm Discussion of the results.

Workshops will be held at the Klaipėda Faculty of the Vilnius Academy of Arts . Address Daržų st. 18, Klaipeda

The digitized works of the participants of the creative workshops will be exhibited on the website of the School of Calligraphy and Lettering Art: and on the school social accounts.

Calligrapher, Head of the Finnish Calligraphers Association Paulina Yliniitty will lead a creative workshop Calligraphy with Cyrillic Nuance. You will learn about the rules of writing „Vyaz“ style lettering and develop your own cyrillic style alphabets according the rules for everyone. Then everyone will make a piece of calligraphic art work with his/her new alphabets.

A three-day creative  workshop Calligraphy with Cyrillic Nuance with calligrapher Paulina Yliniitty will take place at the Arts and Crafts Courtyard, address Bažnyčių g. 4, Klaipėda on 23th-25th of September.

Anybody interested in beautiful letters can attend this workshop. 

The workshop is free of charge.

Tools and materials will be provided by organizers.

Detailed schedule
23th of September
Workshop duration from 6pm till 9pm (including a short brake)

24th of September
Workshop duration from 10am till 5pm (including a short brake)

25th of September
Workshop duration from 10am till 3pm (including a short brake)