Calligraphy days in Finland 2022
The lecturer of the School of Calligraphy and Lettering Art calligrapher Linas Spurga (Jr) will take part in the annual art education event Calligraphy Days in Liminka, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland 17-19 June 2022. L.Spurga (Jr) will lead a creative workshop „Fraktur Calligraphy.“
Also Calligrapher Linas Spurga’s (Jr) interview will be published in the highly regarded calligraphy magazine „Sulkanen“, produced by the Calligraphy Society of Finland.
For Linas, we are proud and happy!
The Calligraphy Society of Finland is a partner of the School of Calligraphy and Lettering Art named after Professor Algis Kliševičius. Detailed information about calligraphy days in Finland: https://kalligrafia.org/kalligrafiapaivat/
We thank Pauliina Yliniitty, the head of the Calligraphy Society of Finland for her help and support with regard to L.Spurga’s (Jr) visit to Finland.

An article was published about the visit of school lecturer calligrapher Linas Spurga (junior) and his creative workshop at the invitation of the Finnish Calligraphy Society.

It’s great when the creative collaboration between School of Calligraphy and Lettering Art named under prof. A. Kliševičius and the Calligraphy Society of Finland continues.
At the invitation of the Finnish colleagues, calligrapher Linas Spurga (jr.) gave an interview, which is published in the magazine of the Calligraphic Society of Finland “Sulkanen.”
“In this interview Linas speaks about his studies at the VAA Graphic Arts Department and how he started working as a calligrapher. How he was impacted by the Brody Neuenschwander calligraphy workshop he attended and his career after finishing the Academy: calligraphy commissions, graphic design and teaching. This interview is also about what inspires a calligrapher—other calligraphers, artists such as Cy Twombly or artist groups like Bokujinkai. Linas talks about creating art in a general sense, everyday anxieties, future plans and dreams as well as thoughts on the future of calligraphy.”