Exhibition of Regina Davidavičienė’s ex-libris collection in Šiauliai

The School of Calligraphy and Lettering Art, named after Professor Algis Kliševičius, together with  Šiauliai County Povilas Višinskis Public Library present an exhibition of bookplates or ex-libris (Latin: ex libris – “from the books”). Everyone will have an extraordinary opportunity to see the early ex-libris of well-known artists in Lithuania and the world at this exhibition. 

Exhibition organizer School of Calligraphy and Lettering Art named after prof. A. Kliševičius. 

We thank professor Vaidotas Janulis  this exhibition curator  for his help and support with regard to organizing this exhibition in Šiauliai.

Detailed information: https://savb.lt/lt/renginys/reginos-davidavicienes-ekslibrisu-kolekcijos-pristatymas/

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