Mindaugas Petrulis

Painter, calligrapher, designer Mindaugas Petrulis studied at Telšiai Technical School of Applied Arts, Vilnius Institute of Art Klaipėda Department of Visual Communications (now Vilnius Academy of Arts).
The artist regularly participates in calligraphy and ex-libris art exhibitions in Lithuania and other countries. Viewers in the USA, France, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Russia and, of course, Lithuania have had the opportunity to get acquainted with M. Petrulis’ art calligraphy For Mindaugas, who professionally explores various calligraphy techniques, the coherence of the content and form of a calligraphic text is always important.
Currently, M. Petrulis teaches at the Klaipėda Faculty of Vilnius Academy of Arts. He is a member of the Lithuanian Designers ‘Union and the Lithuanian Artists’ Union.
Painter, calligrapher, ex-libris artist, associate professor Vilnius Vilnius Academy of Arts Mindaugas Petrulis invites you to a creative workshop entitled Calligraphy book.
During the workshop you will learn the essential topics you need to know in order to gain the knowledge and skills to create a book of calligraphy.
With various techniques you will learn to create an attractive visual narrative, improve the graphic language, get acquainted with the basic rules of text composition, learn to understand the principles and meaning of the coexistence of a letter, a word, a text, at the workshop or perhaps. you will suddenly discover for yourself that calligraphy is impossible without poetry, music, emotions, giving you the courage to experiment for yourself.
Come and create your own personal calligraphy book!
Preparation of participants – advanced.
Number of participants – max 10 people.
The organizers will provide tools and materials.
Participants of the workshop will receive Certificates.
2nd of May
5 – 6 pm Introduction to calligraphy; concepts, directions, artists, tools, materials.
6 pm .15 minute break
6.15 – 7 pm Content and forms, main means of expression in calligraphy, principles of drawing formation, graphic ideas, experiments, improvisations.
7.15 – 7.45 pm Discussion of the results.
3rd of May
5 – 6 pm Modifications of selected graphic elements and calligraphic expressions. Sketching.
6 pm .15 minute break.
6.15 – 7.15 pm Principles of composition, composition of several objects, expressions, different variants.
7.15 – 7.45 pm Discussion of the results.
4th of May
5 – 6 pm Calligraphic book idea formation methods, format, structure, solution variants.
6 pm .15 minute break.
6.15 – 7.15 pm The process of creating a calligraphic book.
7.15 – 7.45 pm Discussion of the results.
5th of May
5 – 6 pm The process of creating a calligraphic book.
6 pm .15 minute break.
6.15 – 7.15 pm Final version of the calligraphy book, completion.
7.15 – 7.45 pm Discussion of the results.
th of May
4-5 pm Exhibition and presentation of created personals calligraphy books.
Workshops will be held at the Klaipėda Faculty of the Vilnius Academy of Arts in the auditorium named after Prof. A. Kliševičius. Address Daržų st. 18, Klaipeda
The digitized works of the participants of the creative workshops will be exhibited on the website of the School of Calligraphy and Lettering Art: http://www.ink4.art/ and on the school social accounts.
Two famous calligraphy artists Lidija Skačkauskaitė-Kuklienė, associate professor Vilnius Academy of Arts, and Mindaugas Petrulis calligrapher, bookplate (ex-libris) creator, associate professor Vilnius Academy of Arts, will lead a creative workshop on the interface between calligraphy and ex-libris EXLIBRIS IN A NEW WAY.
We will get acquainted with the principal means of expression, the basics of composition, combining the rules of Western calligraphy with the expression of Eastern calligraphy during the workshop. We will learn to reveal the meaning of the word and the text through visual emotional expression.
And most importantly – we will create a specific artwork – a font ex-libris for your chosen personality (maybe for Vytautas Mačernis?), institution, anniversary. During the session, innovative creativity techniques will be applied and new ideas generated.
You will have a great opportunity to display your talents, and to unleash your creative powers, and imagination.
The workshop is free and open to all, regardless of age, gender, education, ability.
The organizers will provide tools and materials.
Detailed Schedule;
14th of June
5 pm Introduction to calligraphy; concepts, directions, authors, tools, materials.
Lecturer L. Kuklienė
6 pm 15 minute break.
6.15 pm The basic means of expression in calligraphy. Plane, line, spot, rhythm.
Lecturer M. Petrulis
7.30-8 pm Discussion of the work of those participating in the workshop
15th of June
5 pm Selected font modifications. Sketching, search of expression.
Lecturer M. Petrulis
6 pm .15 minute break. 6.15 pm Composition, rhythm, balance. Composing multiple objects.
Lecturer L. Kuklienė
7.30-8 pm Discussion of the work of those participating in the workshop.
16th of June
5 pm Ex Libris. What is the Font Ex libris. Principles of composition.
Lecturer L.Kuklienė
6 pm. 15 minute break.
6.15 pm Creating a Font Exlibris
Lecturer M.Petrulis
7.30-8 pm Discussion of the work of those participating in the workshop.
17th of June
5 pm Creating a Font Exlibris. Improvisations, collages. The format for the exhibition
Lecturers L.Kuklienė, M.Petrulis
6 pm. 15 minute break
6.15 pm Creating a Font Exlibris. Preparation for the exhibition.
Lecturers L.Kukliene, M.Petrulis
7.30-8 pm The discussion of the work of participants, proofreading, improvement.
18th of June
3pm Presentation of the exhibition.
5 pm Exhibition of participants’ works.